Saturday, March 3, 2012

Birch Trees

I had been inspired to create a project on birch trees. I pinned many examples of birch trees on Pinterest. My students used black construction paper, liquid glue, and oil pastels. The first day I showed pictures of birch trees and the class dicussed the characteristics of this tree. Students then created 4 to 5 trees using a pencil and then liquid glue was used to trace over the pencil lines.

The next day the students used shapes and color to create the knotches on the birch trees. Once all the color was added with oil pastels the last color that was used was white. Students did have to touch up the shapes of color after the white pastel. I am very pleased with the outcome of the project. A pre-school teacher loved the project so much she asked me to create a version of it for her students. I had the preschoolers just make 2 trees and no branches. The students used a white crayon to color the tree. The colorful knotches used where pre-cut construction paper that the students just glued onto the tree.


  1. These Birch trees are beautiful.
    I love the colors and patterns.

  2. Thank-you so much! I am going to add a few more of the students' birch trees tomorrow.

  3. Hiya, great blog...I love the Birch tree art lesson, it reminds me a bit of Wolfe Khan's artwork. If you have time check out my blog, I teach elementary art also!
